Animal Macarons
$ 16.99
Safari Adventure
$ 44.99

Forest Trail Kit

$ 69.99
SKU: TL8366

A fun and novel outdoor forest trail kit all contained in a lined, wolf character canvas shoulder bag. The bag contains everything a child could need to go on a nature trail in the great outdoors!

The beautifully illustrated groundsheet is illustrated with lots of forest floor treasures and is enormous at 142cms x 142cms.ItĀ can be turned into a den, a groundsheet, a cover, or even a simple tent.

There is a big magnifying glass to search for mini-beasts and a printed nature trail card to help you find all the wonderful life in the forest. Owl compass, Leaf Hunt card and Den Building card are also included. Children love to explore and it is now so important to encourage outdoor play and to teach about respecting our wonderful natural world.

Age range: 3 Years And Older
Product size: 15.75 x 15.75 x 1.57ā€
Weight:Ā 1.17 lbs

Forest Trail Leaves Printable

We understand our responsibilities to our planet and only use sustainable and recyclable wood to make our enchanting toys. We are committed to a program to protect our natural resources and replant 100% of the trees we use ā€“ and the wood we love!

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